My brother was playing a game, when my mother said, “Honey,
can you please walk the dog?” My brother
didn’t want to but he got the leash anyway.
He put the dog (aka crazy pup) on the leash. Crazy pup went out running 80 miles per
hour. My brother was flapping like a
flag at the end of the leash. He was
screaming a eardrum piercing scream.
Crazy pup bumped into a little old lady who was wearing a violet skirt
and a pink top with a smiley face on it.
She had at least a 100 foot hat on her. She screamed, “Hey sonny.” Crazy pup ran 100 miles per hour now. Crazy pup stopped to take a quick rest.
All of the sudden my brother turned into a cat. Crazy pup saw him and started chasing him up
a tree in the middle of the biggest park in the world. 1,232,908,175,872 miles!!! That is like 1,000 soccer fields. My brother decided that he would be extremely
safe up in the comforting tree. But my brother
was way off. He forgot that crazy pup
can climb trees and can jump 137 feet.
Crazy pup jumped and grabbed my brother by the tail and all of the
sudden he turned back into a boy holding a crazy dogs leash.